Students read about and discuss the landmark Supreme Court case of McCulloch v. Maryland. In a group activity, students study Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution and the 10th Amendment of the Bill of Rights. The groups decide which of several proposals Congress has the authority under Article I, Section 8, to establish or regulate and give their reasons.
Election Central
Election Central is an online resource that helps teachers and students explore the electoral process past and present, in the United States and around the world. Lessons contain readings and activities that provide historical background and raise issues related to the electoral process. These resources are arranged under four categories: Issues for the Election | U.S. History | World History | Government
A Fire Waiting To Be Lit: The Origins of World War I
This year (2014) marks the 100th anniversary of the beginning of World War I. This lesson, which is aligned to the Common Core State Standards, examines the causes of WWI. The main article provides information on events leading up to the war and includes discussion and writing questions. Additional activities available are: The Bosnian Crisis of 1908; Did the Serbian Government meet the Austrian Demands?; What Country Was to Blame for WWI?; and two enrichment activities on cartoons and music.
“45 Words” Video Lesson
In the video accompanying this lesson plan, actor Martin Sheen narrates this story of the political struggles involved in establishing the First Amendment and early challenges to it.
The Press and the Civil Rights Movement Video Lesson
Civil rights leaders effectively used the First Amendment and the press to expose the injustices of racial segregation. Reporters who covered the civil rights struggle give up close and personal accounts. Learn more about the First Amendment’s power to bring about profound social change and the role and challenges a free press embraces when tackling controversial issues.
Making a Change: The First Amendment and the Civil Rights Movement
Delve into hundreds of historical newspapers, videos, photographs and more to find out how the five freedoms empowered people fighting for change — and those fighting against it. Topics include: the history of the American civil rights movement, the relationship between the movement and the news media, the evolution and application of First Amendment freedoms, bias in the news, civic engagement and more.
You Can’t Say That: In My Opinion
Apply what you learned about constitutional exceptions to the First Amendment by studying a modern situations. Be sure to summarize the facts of the situation and then present your opinion about whether the actions of the individual in the scenario were protected by the First Amendment. If you disagree with the court, school or law enforcement’s decision, be sure to explain why you disagree.
The 2015 Baltimore Riots: A Teachable Moment
The Newseum believes that improving civic education has the power to improve our schools, communities and our democracy. The Baltimore unrest can be an entry point in your conversation with students.
The Newseum has numerous resources to help teachers broach this topic in the classroom. Lesson plans, videos and activities guide students in how civil rights issues have been represented in the media over many decades. And how citizens, including young people, can develop a voice and use the freedoms of the First Amendment to effect change and inspire action.
Constitutional Convention
This article focuses on George Washington’s role in the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia from May 14 to September 17. Delegates were gathering to correct the various problems that had arisen while the newly-independent nation was operating under the Articles of Confederation, but Washington had to be persuaded to even attend.
The History of Flag Day
This lesson highlights one of the Center’s biggest civic holidays —the birthday of the American flag. Using “The History of the U.S. Flag,” a video hosted by Terry Ruggles and produced by Drexel University and the Philadelphia Flag Day Association, this lesson encourages students to take a closer look at the American flag and its meaning.