Political rallies: the scene of rousing speeches, cheering supporters and seas of signs and flags. These events are presidential campaign staples, but what do they offer the electorate?
Primaries: By Invitation Only?
Primary season can be a wild ride. Voters narrow the field of candidates in contest after contest, while the parties use complicated rules to try to control who ultimately secures the nomination.
Public Participation Goes Viral
Social media revolutionized how the public and candidates interact – but how effective are the latest tools for shaping election outcomes?
Frenzy of the Final Weeks
In the last weeks of the campaign, candidates make a final push to sway undecided voters and strive to avoid even minor mistakes that could magnify into embarrassing gaffes.
Going for the Jugular
It happens sooner or later in every presidential race: attack ads drown out the promises of positive campaigns. Do these dark battles have any value?
The YLI E-Congress Legislative Simulation
Looking for an interactive way to teach about the legislative branch? The Youth Leadership Initiative’s E-Congress program allows students to learn about Congress by writing original legislation and following it through the lawmaking process. Registration is required.
Democracy Corps: A Complete Service Learning Program
Learn about American democracy while serving your community. Serve your community while learning about the responsibilities of American democracy. YLI’s Democracy Corps brings your civics lessons to the community while instilling life- long civic engagement in your students.
Debate Watching Guide
This lesson is designed to help students view political debates. The resources provided support the critical evaluation of the candidate’s performances. Body language, demeanor, appearance and positions on key issues are analyzed in an attempt to help students determine the importance of debates to the election cycle. This lesson could be used in class or as a homework assignment.
The Global You (Lesson Plan and Powerpoint)
Students play international detective as they read accounts of international pollution issues. Students also complete an activity tracing ocean currents and discussing the paths of pollution. These activities prepare students to identify the mindset of a global citizen and to define global citizenship.
Teaching Six Big Ideas in the Constitution
This lesson engages students in a study of the Constitution to learn the significance of “Six Big Ideas” contained in it. Students analyze the text of the Constitution in a variety of ways, examine primary sources to identify their relationship to its central ideas, and debate the core constitutional principles as they relate to today’s political issues. (Duration: 45-minute segments, up to 4.5 hours.)