How governments interpret, prioritize, and grapple with pillars of modern society—for instance, security, freedom, and prosperity—determines the kinds of policies they enact. In this multimedia resource, explore the differences between democracies and autocracies, communism and capitalism, and right and left leaning ideologies.
Is the System Fair?

Throughout U.S. history, Americans have silently stewed and actively protested that presidential elections are unfair and fixed against them. Do they have a point? In this lesson, students will understand why people are critical of the political process. They will discuss the topic: Do all voters have an equal voice in American democracy? Registration at NewseumED is required to view this resource.
Running Toward Danger Video Lesson
This video tells the story of Sept. 11, 2001, in New York City through primary source interviews and news footage. Ask your students to explain the role of journalists in covering catastrophes.