How Did the United States Become a Global Power?

With the world’s largest economy, hundreds of overseas military bases, and leadership positions in various international institutions, the United States is an undeniable global power. But this was not always the case. In this multimedia resource, learn how domestic expansion and three wars—the Spanish-American War, World War I, and World War II—transformed the United States’ standing in the world.

What Is Government?

Governments have been around for almost four thousand years. Throughout that time, they have shared the same central function: to lead and protect their people. Despite that similarity, governments do not all look or act the same way. This video explores what government is and to what extent your voice is heard by those in power.

Grades 9-12, 6, 7, 8

What Roles Do Congress and the Executive Branch Play in U.S. Foreign Policy?

This Council on Foreign Relations Education resource helps students understand what the Constitution says about foreign policy. Students explore how the powers of Congress and the president protect and advance the country’s interests abroad. Through infographics, charts, and case studies, students will learn how the balance of power between these branches of government might look different in theory and practice.

History of Juneteenth and Why It Became a National Holiday

Students will explore and discuss the history and context around the Juneteenth holiday. Topics examined include the history of racial injustice in the U.S., the Civil War and the limitations of the Emancipation Proclamation. Additionally, students will be encouraged to explore the modern significance of Juneteenth and its long-term impact.

How2Internet: Use Media Literacy Skills to Navigate the Misinformation Highway

Students will use media literacy skills to navigate through the perils of the land of online misinformation with the Teen Fact Checking Network, and then analyze their own social media platforms to see if they may be stuck in an echo chamber.