How to Have a Civil Civic Conversation

Filmed on a Constituting America Winner Mentor Trip, five young ladies share their thoughts on how to agree to disagree and how to have a discussion and still remain friends. Through personal experience these students have learned a lifelong lesson. Enjoy learning their lessons while you discuss yours. When watching you will see each person’s name, title and number. The number is their age. The title is the contest area they won in the We the Future contest. Check out the website for the contest information. Who knows maybe soon you will see your talent on the Civics Renewal Network and Constituting America!

Grades 6-12

Martin Luther King Lesson Plans and Resources: Understanding a Life and Legacy

K-12 Lessons on Martin Luther King Jr

Education was integral to Dr. King’s vision for a more just society, and working to ensure that dream comes true is integral to America’s educators today. Share the influential ideas of this towering figure of the civil rights movement who envisioned racial, economic and social justice for America by espousing non-violent, collective action that would change society forever. Share My Lesson’s updated collection features curated lesson plans, resources and activities to help your prek-12 students explore Dr. King’s commitment to the labor movement and the fight for justice and dignity.

Grades 7, 8, 9, 10, K, 11, 1, 12, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Lesson Plans

Strengthening Democracy in America

Strengthening Democracy in America is a collection of free courses featuring video interviews with noted scholars. These courses will deepen your understanding of the American political system and your rights and responsibilities in it. The first two courses provide a framework for understanding the history and development of the system. Subsequent courses focus on its strengths and weaknesses and means of enhancing the strengths and diminishing the weaknesses. The courses are open to anyone and can be completed at your own pace.

Grades 12, 10, 11
Foundations of Democracy

‘Let Me Believe’

The thoughts of the Founding Fathers never sounded so good in this rap “Let Me Believe” about our freedoms in the First Amendment. Three rappers who went on to win Constituting America’s Best Song in its We the Future contest provide a unique way to explain our freedoms. You have a video that is a teaching tool you have been seeking to help students understand the First Amendment.

Grades 6-12, 4, 5
Foundations of Democracy

‘The Man On The Street’

“The Man on the Street” is Constituting America’s Best High School Short Film by Dakare Chatman. Peer-to-peer teaching is what students want and learn from effectively. Dakare interviews people on the street and teaches about the Constitution in the process. Dakare was a 2017 winner in the We the Future contest. At the end of the video, students will learn how they can enter the contest.

Grades 11, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Foundations of Democracy

Presidential Elections

The purpose of this lesson is to have students learn about each presidential election and presidential terms. Students will understand how various events in history shaped campaigns. Why elections were won and lost. What accomplishments and disappointments each president experienced. Each election and presidential term served had its own mark on history. The presentation to the class is the order of the elections starting with Washington’s first election and proceeding forward. The lesson plan was created to engage students in the election process and create interest in the coming presidential election.
Constituting America’s 90 Day Study of The Intrigue of Presidential Elections and Their Constitutional Impact is a resource guide for students. This study supplies many of the important facts and figures of each presidential campaign. There are also intriguing facts, stories, and information about the person, campaign, time in office and after the presidency.

‘If You Had Something Powerful’

“If You Had Something Powerful” is Constituting America’s Best High School PSA winner, created by Laura Leigh Hicks. We all have something that we love treasure, rely on, others want, others died for, all put in a document for us. This We the Future Contest video explains the freedoms we love and challenges students to now read it. All this in a one-minute PSA.

Grades 4, 5, 6-12
Foundations of Democracy