The mission of Constituting America is to educate Americans about the Constitution and the rights and liberties it provides and protects for all of us. We accomplish that mission through several programs, including our keystone program — the national We The Future Contest for kids. Our George Washington – We Are All Americans School Speaking Program – features Constituting America Founder and Co-President Actress Janine Turner (Northern Exposure, Friday Night Lights, Cliffhanger), National Council for the Social Studies past president Mr. Terry Cherry, Constituting America board members including Cathy Gillespie and Juliette Turner, Operations Director Jeanette Kraynak and the rest of our Constituting America speaking team, speaking in person and via Skype and Google Hangout to classrooms around the country. Our 90 in 90 Study Program: History Holds the Key to the Future is a scholastic study with essays on the founding documents of our country, written by constitutional scholars from the best universities and law schools in the country.