Lesson Plan: Book That Shaped America – “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass”

Born into slavery in Maryland, Frederick Douglass went on to become a writer, orator, statesman and key leader in the abolitionist movement. After his escape to freedom as an adult, Douglass in 1845 wrote the first of his three autobiographies, titled “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave.” The book was a bestseller, and greatly influential in promoting the cause of abolition. In this lesson, students begin by responding to reflective questions that ask them to share their knowledge of the abolitionist movement. From there, they will review the status of the United States in 1845. Next, students will learn more about the subsequent publishing of Douglass’ book, the immediate and lasting impact on the country, and details about his life. Finally, students will respond to a prompt that asks them to explain if and how “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass” shaped America.

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