Does the Immigration and Nationality Act, requiring detention without bail of aliens, violate the right to due process? This case summary shows how the Supreme Court answered that question in 2003.
A Conversation on the 14th Amendment with Justice Ginsburg
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg discusses with high school students the importance of the 14th Amendment’s three tenets: due process, equal protection, and privileges and immunities. A PDF lesson guide is provided.
Birth of a Nation, the NAACP, and the Balancing of Rights
In this lesson, students learn how The Birth of a Nation reflected and influenced racial attitudes, and they analyze and evaluate the efforts of the NAACP to prohibit showing of the film.
Twelve Angry Men: Trial by Jury as a Right and as a Political Institution
Twelve Angry Men, originally written for television by Reginald Rose in 1954 and subsequently adapted for stage (1955), film(1957) and television again (1997), effectively conveys the central importance of the right to a jury trial afforded by Article III of the Constitution as well as Amendments V, VI, and XIV.
Scottsboro Boys and To Kill a Mockingbird: Two Trials for the Classroom
In this lesson, students will perform a comparative close reading of select informational texts from the Scottsboro Boys trials alongside sections from To Kill a Mockingbird. Students analyze the two trials and the characters and arguments involved in them to see how fictional “truth” both mirrors and departs from the factual experience that inspired it.
To Kill A Mockingbird and the Scottsboro Boys Trial: Profiles in Courage
Students study select court transcripts and other primary source material from the second Scottsboro Boys Trial of 1933, a continuation of the first trial in which two young white women wrongfully accused nine African-American youths of rape.
Election Central
Election Central is an online resource that helps teachers and students explore the electoral process past and present, in the United States and around the world. Lessons contain readings and activities that provide historical background and raise issues related to the electoral process. These resources are arranged under four categories: Issues for the Election | U.S. History | World History | Government
Arizona v. United States
Students will examine a controversial law passed in the state of Arizona that directs law enforcement officers to investigate suspected unauthorized immigration. They will recognize the constitutional issues of preemption, reasonable suspicion, and equal protection and relate them to the facts of the Arizona law. Students will then judge whether several sets of facts are valid examples of reasonable suspicion.
The 1964 Civil Rights Act: Lesson Plans and Resources
On July 2, 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act into law. Originally proposed by President Kennedy in 1963, this landmark piece of legislation made discrimination based on race, religion, sex or national origin illegal. Additionally, the Civil Rights Act ended the practice of unequal voter requirements based on race or sex and ended racial segregation in schools. The Share My Lesson team has curated a collection of free lesson plans, activities, and classroom materials for educators to use in teaching students about the Civil Rights Act.